Friday, February 24, 2017

New Year - New Technology

The turning of the calendar year brings new opportunities and new technologies.  New technologies are introduced at a rapid pace and keeping up with them can seem to be a daunting task.  As educator's we are bombarded with new apps and trends on a daily basis. With all the other important items on our "to do list" where does exploration and innovation for expanding our pedagogies fit in the daily schedule?  Does it have priority or is it an after thought?

The fast pace changes in the workforce should be a wake up call for education.  We must begin to prepare our students for the jobs in their futures and not our pasts.  This recent article highlights the changes and challenges that our children will face in the near future.

How are we preparing them for the work of the future?  What skills will be required?  What skills will be automated?  Educators of today must re-skill and refine in order to be relevant in the future.

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